Sunday School Hour (9:30-10:15)
Prayer Gatherings

Because of Jesus, we can now boldly approach the throne of grace and expect to receive mercy and grace to help from our Good Father. Each week, we have a specific gathering where we boldly approach this throne together to pray for co-laborers in the gospel across the globe, gospel advance in our region, our church's spiritual growth, and one another. 

Worship Service (10:30-11:45)

We gather as the body of Christ each Sunday to glorify God. Our Sunday services are characterized by joyful singing, heartfelt prayer, corporate confession, the public reading of Scripture, the preaching of the Word, and the regular observance of the Lord's Supper. 

Sermon Archives

We meet in the Baptist Student Center on MSU's campus. Parking is available in the lots on the East and South side of the building.

342 University St
Morehead, Kentucky