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    Praying The Psalms: 
     Psalm 63:5-8

My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food,
and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips,
when I remember you upon my bed,
and meditate on you in the watches of the night;
for you have been my help,
and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy.
My soul clings to you;
your right hand upholds me.

Nick & Courtney Platt 
Grace International Church | Malaysia

We just landed in Louisville and will be here for 1.5 months and then in Canada for 1.5 months. After that, Lord willing, we'll transition back to Malaysia, to a city called Johor Bahru. I've recently accepted the lead pastor position at Grace International Church there and will begin a 3 month transition starting in July. The girls are doing well but looking forward to having a home of our own. Come July, we'll have lived in 7 homes in 10 months. We're so thankful for partners in the gospel who pray to send us on our way in a manner worthy of God. He alone is sufficient for these things!

Ways To Pray:

  • Pray we'd be attentive to the struggles that come with all of the transitions the girls go through and point them to the sufficiency and worth of Christ when it's hard.
  • Pray also for Courtney and I to be refreshed by this home assignment, while also using the time to report to partners and raise support.

 Tim Wade 
Boone’s Creek Baptist Church | Lexington, KY

I am serving as the pastor of Boone's Creek Baptist Church in Lexington. I have been here for 3.5 years. Some Joys of serving here have been seeing younger men in the church growing in their leadership roles and preaching abilities, having a successful Upward Basketball Season, and the bonds of fellowship that exist within the church body. We have been trying to find a way to better move people from participation in our outreach ministries, like Upward, into participation with the regular worship of the church, reaching younger families in the community, and finding volunteers to help run ministries to their full potential.


Ways To Pray:

  • Pray that members would seek ways to serve the church by being evangelistic in the community, serve as volunteers with our many ministries, and participate in the regular worship of the church.

  • Pray the church would find ways to encourage men and women to see the needs around their community and serve with joy and with worship.



In the 5th Century AD, Christianity was established in Ireland by Patrick, a Celtic missionary. Later, Ireland became Roman Catholic. The island's culture has until recently been heavily influenced by Roman Catholicism and, to a lesser extent, Protestantism after the Reformation. The majority of Irish people describe their religious identity as Roman Catholic. Due to the rapid rise of secularism, many have only a nominal faith.

Religious tradition is a significant influence with individuals and families often identifying with Catholicism in a general sense rather than expressing personal faith in Jesus. Irish families are becoming more secular and there is a great need for people to find their real purpose and direction through Jesus.

However, Ireland has been blessed with many revivals throughout history. Revival can move among the Irish throughout the world. A revived Irish church can send out Christ’s ambassadors like they have before.

Ways To Pray:

  • Pray that nominal and secular Catholics and Protestants will give their lives fully to Jesus Christ.

  • Pray for the Irish to once again send missionaries to take Christ to the nations.